A blog about vintage fashion, vintage jewels and art.....

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year... to you too....

circa 1900

Preparing the house and table to welcome our guests tonight, beloved friends who will share our last moments of the year with us, and looking forward to tomorrow when we will welcome the New Year in the company of our closest family. 

Whichever part of the world you inhabit, I am sure you are also keeping busy and are eager to share in the joy of new beginnings, whilst taking stock of the year that was.

Here's wishing you all lots of wonderful days ahead filled with happiness, exciting adventures, intriguing challenges, innovations and pleasant surprises to enrich your life.  Whoever you may be, you're wish well, you're wished love and you're wished serenity. 

If hard times do come your way, you're wished the courage to confront them, the tenacity to see them through and faith in a better future.

Thank you for following FairyFiligree and hope you will keep visiting through the New Year.

All the best....


Anastasia Schembri said...

Happy New Year my friend!!
Hope you had a simply wonderful evening ushering in 2012!!

My Castle in Spain said...

Wishing you a wonderful new year!