A blog about vintage fashion, vintage jewels and art.....

Monday, January 25, 2010

Winter Coats

I really don't like winter. But it has to be if the seasons are to turn round and bring summer along again. Meantime, I try to endure the cold, the humidity. I try to grin and bear the heavy accumulation of clothes on my back and try to jumpstart circulation in my poor constantly frozen hands and feet. As a consequence I really rater 'hate' winter clothes and my winter wardrobe is not quite so well stocked as my summer one. I can't help it - I just don't like shopping for winter clothes! To cheer myself and yourselves up I digged out some gorgeous coats which I partcularly fancied with some star inclusions thrown in for good measure. I'm not saying which I like best....

& I couldn't resist this one.....

And then just look at the detail on these...


BaronessVonVintage said...

ooh I love the merino one! Gloria Swanson's frightens me just a wee bit!

Anonymous said...

Oh I just love the vintage dressing gown! PS I hate winter too and own an electric blanket ;D

Shari said...

Oh, winter is not for me, either and I'm on the east coast. I love the merino coat. Reminds me of the ogiekanogie line, although it's new.

FairyFiligree said...

Thanks for your comments - yes Gloria Swanson is a bit over the top; I also have an electric blanket - unfortunately I cannot carry it around with me everywhere I go!; I never heard of the ogiekanogie line.... will look it up...Have a great day:)

Sharon said...

Hi there-a lovely post and I love the DVF coat, very stylish!!

Riikka said...

I hate winter and winter dressing. There are some lovely pieces - like the ones you posted here - but honestly, I find it incredibly difficult to find nice winter things, esp. in decent prices. Not to mention that the Finnish winter is downright cruelling and lasts way, way too long. I just wish it was summer and that I could take my lovely summer dresses and heels out right now!