A blog about vintage fashion, vintage jewels and art.....

Friday, February 12, 2010


I had bought this old plastic bag full of buttons a couple years ago from a jumble sale and just shoved it in with my other linens and haberdashery stuff and forgot all about them. Last Sunday afternoon, was alone at home and pottering around the kitchen when I remembered these buttons. Out came the bag and this is what I found.....

I had quite forgotten just how many different buttons there were, mostly large vintage coat buttons you know.
So I decided to use my free time to sort them out neatly and here is what I did....

The biggest set of buttons were the ones in the upper right hand - cute flat striped buttons in red, white and blue....

I had quite a lot of fun with these armies of buttons....

I only had two of each of these - perfect  for adding on to old vintage jackets that only tie up with a couple of large buttons like these.....
and then I got needle and thread and started grouping the rest all together in sets. Little groups of buttons all tied together for easy finding...

And then there were the tiny buttons on the side...

Now they're all happily organised and back into my big box of buttons with the rest of my collection. Wonder what I should do with them... any ideas?


Unknown said...

gorgeous buttons! take a peek at http://blog.themakelounge.com/2010/02/beautiful-buttons.html and http://www.flickr.com/photos/lilfishstudios/sets/72157603748791173/
Vintage button bouquets!!
Hope you have a lovely weekend, Lucyxx

FairyFiligree said...

oh wow - I just saw these button bouquets - gorgeous stuff.....now that's an idea!thank you so much....

Sharon said...

Hi there-they are fabulous, a great find indeed!

Lisa at lil fish studios said...

Wow! So much fun and possibility. Have lots of fun, and thanks for stopping by my blog.