A blog about vintage fashion, vintage jewels and art.....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday Giveaway no.2

Today is the last Tuesday of February and here I am ready to launch Fairy Filigree's second giveaway, freebie, complimentary present, call it what you will.

Tuesday is a day which is neither here nor there, it's not mid-week and it's not anywhere near a weekend, I thought I'd cheer you up on Tuesdays and will present a giveaway on whichever Tuesday in the month I find something to excite your fancy.

This time round, I am offering up for grabs, this sweet and dainty silvertone ankle chain. It comes with the sweetest little heart charm, a remembering of Valentine Day which makes February so special and a hint of days to come, when we can all hopefully once again enjoy barefoot walking.....

All you have to do to be eligible is to start following my blog and add it to your list of favourite blogs. Remember to send me the name, email address and URL of your blog if you have one too. Will make my pick out of the bag on Monday, so by next Tuesday you'll all know who won.... Have a lovely Tuesday.


Unknown said...

Such a pretty necklace. I'm already a follower and you're on my favourites...do I still count?!! Its pouring with rain in the UK. Grey skies and wet, wet, wet...not very uplifting but there's always a blog to read. hope you are well, Lucyxx

FairyFiligree said...

Of course - all my present followers are entitled to participate along with the new ones! Am well thanks so much & here weather is surprisingly pleasant:)

Stephanie R. said...

Im following your blog :D Looks like some good read- im glad I found it.Have a terrific day!


Agnes said...

I'm also a follower of your blog now (love the cute kitty btw!)

Email: Sweetfantasystar@hotmail.com

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

What a great blog, I did all of the above. Come check me out click on Nancy.

nancysoffice at gmail dot com

Sharon said...

Hi there-thats a fabulous giveaway my dear!!

Unknown said...

Hi! I now follow your blog, but I don't have a blog of my own. I can't wait to read more!


mavericks_mommy said...

Im a new Follower!!

Great Giveaway!!

Mavericks Mommy



Vittoria said...

i'm a new follower! i've added you to the blogroll on my blog: http://tiam0.blogspot.com/

thanks for this!


stash mama said...

I follow...and what an interesting blog it is!!!
Thanks for the chance to win! you rock!

Candice Orpesa

Unknown said...

i follow your blog
heres the link to mine

avalonne83 said...

Great giveaway!

Please count me in. Thanks.

avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it

RJ said...

Hi! I'm now a follower of your blog!


Sarah Coulsey said...

I am a follower!!!! Beautiful giveaway!!!

sarahcoulsey03 at gmail dot com


DEBIJOT said...

blog follower - Thanks