A blog about vintage fashion, vintage jewels and art.....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wardrobes, Giveaways & Bags

I just received an email from CSN Stores which I strongly advice you to visit because CSN Stores has amazing online stores where you can find everything from beautiful wardrobes to cookware to chic lighting pieces!
The email arrived just in the nick of time since it's that time of year when we're all going through the change of seasons, and trying to make heads or tails of our wardrobes. I am constantly going through a tug of war with SPACE. I hoard. That is my problem. I love beautiful things, buy them, hoard them and sometimes don't ever wear them. My wardrobe contents have been accumulated in piecemeal fashion and this means sometimes I have the odd item which is just plain lovely to look at but which I cannot match with anything else in my wardrobe.
Sooo, come Autumn, I am yearning for a whole day of wardrobe surveying. I do this at every change of season. Take out everything and I mean everything, from my summer wardrobe, empty all the closets & drawers and take stock.
What I have worn endlessly is scrutinised carefully for flaws. If there are none, it stays. What I have not worn at least twice this past summer is scrutinsed for wearability, fit, practicality. If it has none and even lacks good old sentimental value, then it goes. There are things that I haven't even worn all summer and taking stock of the reason for this, I soon find it's because they are boring, lack great fit, have nothing to match with, and probably will have to go to.
What goes, usually goes to charity unless it's completely unretrievably unwearable. Then it gets thrown out. I have very few of the latter category.
The benefit of buying clothes from charity shops, thrift stores, vintage sellers and the like is that sometimes they have been bought for literally a few pennies. Meaning that letting them go back to charity is not breaking my bank, is not making me feel guilty and is allowing me to have a liquid wardrobe that can be changed, moved around and shaped up each and every season.
This year, my favourite charity is going to get a largish bag of summer clothes because some of my favourites I've now possessed for some 4 or 5 years and that's way too long to cling on to a garment unless it's incomparable vintage.
So ladies, it's time to change.... have you made any changes?

Giveaway News
Going back to CSN Stores, this online catalogue company has kindly offered a giveaway to FairyFiligree followers residing in the US, Canada, the UK or Germany.This is a one-time-use gift voucher for you to use as they wish on their websites.  If the winner happens to be from the US/Canada she/he will get a $45 gift certificate, if they are from the UK it will be £30, and if they are from Germany it will be €35.

To be eligible to enter this giveaway you have to:

1.  Be a FairyFiligree follower from the US, Canada, the UK or Germany. 
2. Leave a comment on this post sometime between now and October 18. And you must comment on the topic of wardrobes, possibly leaving some feedback of value to the rest of all FairyFiligree followers.
3. Include your contact email address or a link leading to it.

Now... for some questions in the bag.....

I need advice - where on earth do you store all your bags, handbags, clutches, purses, holdalls etc? I have mine stowed away in a large drawer and some more in a trunk. But they are not easily displayed that way and so some get overlooked easily. Short of having to buy a new piece of furniture to keept my bags, I need innovative ideas on how to store them easily and practically without squashing them, without letting them gather dust and without taking over all our bedroom space..... What comments on this?
By the way... cute little vintage bag above can be better viewed here.


Sharon said...

Hi there! I hang smallish bags, around 4-5 from their chains on hangers around my room, the bigger ones are in my wardrobe!

Unknown said...

ohh how exciting. I do love a giveaway.

Wardrobes...umm, well I love a HUGE wardobe with plenty of hanging space and shelves/drawers for jumpers etc. Preferably antique with a secret door so I can travel back to the Edwardian period.


Hope Adela Pasztor said...

that bag is so pretty! i love your blog; it's so interesting and unique! (who dosn't love jewelry! =D )


MOMENTS Designs said...

WOW I am the first ( this never happens to me..maybe this is a good sign ?)
I have become a Follower and my idea for displaying your purses would be to hang a chain for the ceiling and put those big "S" hooks in the chain and hang your purses from the hooks and viola ...a wonderful way to see all your purses. Not practical for dust but sure is pretty!
Here is a link with some other ideas.

Mallory said...

I am a follower from the US. To hang my bags, I actually use shower hooks and hang them from my wire shelves in my wardrobe (closet). It really helps me stay organized!!

Mallory1031 at gmail dot com

mamipdx said...

i follow via gfc. if you could reach them i would actually hang the bags from the picture moulding- it would be decorative as well as clean and dry (and not squashed).

Anonymous said...

Hi! Glad i found your blog.
I followed!
and for the question, I also have problems in storing my bags, sadly they are just kept in a box right now! lol

Vero said...

Hi! I follow your blog. Thanks for this giveaway.
When you found a way to organize your bags, plese blog about it, I also need some help.


misscaseylee said...

Hello!I'm a new google friends follower! I have a purse cube organizer like this one except it's made of wood:


I put my purses in it and covered it with a sheer cloth to keep dust from getting in. It's nice b/c I have it up against the wall and I can also use the top as a little table :)


Anonymous said...

I just became a follower through Google Friend Connect.
I have a stack of cubes in my closet that are perfect for storing my bags.
I would love to be entered in your draw. I am from Canada.

ms-texas said...

i'm a new gfc follower from the US!

I just keep my purses stuck in the top of my closet -


Anonymous said...

I follow you publicly on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)
I have some hooks in my closet where I hang all my bags. I don't have that many, so it works well for me!
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net