One of the challenges of packing an effective weekend bag is packing things that mix and match well enough to keep the bag as compact as possible. You don't want to be lugging a 50-kilo affair around with you when you're supposed to be spending the weekend enjoying yourself. Trying to come to terms with making do with as little as possible may not be easy but this is what I have found works:
- Choose a maximum of three colours that can mix and match, blend and coordinate intelligently. You must make sure that whatever you choose from your bag, matches well with anything else you have in your bag.
Take this basic colour range - denim + blue/black; cream + tan . Think of the possibilities here. You can mix tan coloured shoes/black shoes/blue shoes; you can add black skirt/black pants; you can also add cream wool sweater or cardi/cream pants/cream wool dress/ cream tights.
Choose fun items that can mix in well with a number of other colours. this tee has a basic white colour and includes black, red, yellow (cream) and it's never out of fashion. Think how easily it could combine with any of the items in the previous picture.
Take low maintenance items such as the denim jacket above. Again consider how well this set of clothing can match well with anything featured so far. You have an ideal situation of mix and match. And only one extra change of clothes so far.
Choose handbags that speak their own story whilst mixing in well with your basic gear - one handbag for the whole weekend which is spacious enough to hold just about everything you want. The dress featured above could also match well with either of the jackets seen in the pictures above it as well as with the red bag.

Remember to always take one largish scarf that can blend well with all of your repertoire. It will come in handy for varied reasons. You may have noticed that Fairyfiligree loves scarves and I always carry one with me wherever I go, winter or summer. It's usually a lifesaver and my scarves have been used for tying around my neck to keep out the cold; shielding me from the hot summer sun as I trudged up a steep hill; tying around my head to keep my hair in place in the wind; tying up my hair; wrapping around my shoulders for an extra layer; lent to a friend who wanted to go into a church but was only wearing skimpy shorts - she used the scarf as an impromptu sarong; and a hundred other useful ways.....
Take comfortable shoes....
Take one extra pair of shoes. Never ever take just one pair to wear for the entire weekend - no matter how comfy they are. Shoes can get wet (I know), soiled, start hurting you (surprise surprise) or just fall apart when you need them most. And your feet will feel better for a change of shoes after a long day of walking.
All the wonderful imagery is being used with the kind permission and courtesy of David Nyanzi from