A blog about vintage fashion, vintage jewels and art.....

Sunday, December 4, 2011

How to get lots of comments on your blog

You want to find out how to get people visit your blog and leave you comments. You blog every day or every other day or once a week and then sit and wait for the comments to roll in.

I would like to be able to help you out, would like to be able to tell you how easy it is for this to happen and that once you diligently post on your blog with regularity, then you're on the road to success.

I started out this blog in 2009, late in 2009. It had been a chaotic year for me. One of my sons (ok so now you know I have more than one) left home to live abroad with his beloved in February(ok so now you also know one of my sons is old enough to do this) (you can also assume that I am not that very young, but hey, I'm still pretty young.....)....

My mother died in May 2009 and left a great void in a full life that still felt her void painfully so;

I finished a University degree course in May 2009 as well. The end of three full years of books, study, life on campus.

It seemed to be the end of an era of many things which had been ongoing for many years and suddenly....

The idea to start a blog began as I started to try to fill my empty spaces with interesting things to do. So much so that there were many interesting new things I was getting in touch with and I reckoned the blog would serve as a virtual scrap book to keep them all in one place. It certainly filled the space and brought me in touch with a whole new world of people, artists, designers, fashion ideas, creative ideas, beautiful things, beautiful minds.

I followed all the rules - blog regularly (well almost), include interesting content.
I realised that beautiful content did not necessarily mean lots and lots of prose. Just one exciting picture could be enough to get something noticed.

I visited other blogs, left comments, asked questions, emailed people.
I also helped promote other people when I liked their work enough to want it on my blog. I still do and I love to see them happy about it.

So, how do I help you get comments on your blog?

I don't.

My blog gets visited by many people - I know, I count the number of visitors.
Fairyfiligree now has 100 official followers who supposedly visit regularly. It is a great feat and I am proud of it - 100 is a big number.

Still I seem to attract the lazy variety of followers because very, very few people actually bother to say hello.
Which means, that I am personally still asking that question myself...

How to get lots of comments on your blog?


Pearl Westwood said...

I think people worry too much about comments and followers, your stats will tell you more of a real picture of who visits your blog. Leaving a comment will most likely get you one back, if you had time to visit and comment on hundreds of blogs a day, but really who has time for that, I know I dont. Usually I read without commenting unless its been a while and I leave one to let the blogger know Im still reading. x

Charmaine said...

So, so true. I read all you posts but rarely leave a comment unless to say thank you when you published my work.
Yes maybe it's laziness,you just read and click to something else. Or it means how fast life is to switch from one thing to another in seconds, being the internet,tv, mobile phone, etc..
Congrats for having 100 followers. A very good number indeed.

Sharon said...

Hi my dear!! I've always enjoyed visiting your blog and you are a loyal reader and commenter of mine. Its hard really as in general, a blogger would need to visit so many other blogger sites and leave comments, not just once, but regularly-this is so much easier said than done, especially where I'm concerned! Keep up the good work on your blog, a lot of people do read and enjoy without commenting too xx

mispapelicos said...

I have just found you, and I am loving and leaving a comment.

Anonymous said...

Since i pop past here regularly and have you on my blog roll, after reading this i discovered the importance of saying "Hello!" so thankyou for such an interesting and inspiring blog. i enjoy it greatly and even more so now that i know a little more about you and why it started xx

Diva said...

You know I couldn't have said it better myself! I too have pondered over this. I am nearly at a 100 ( and very proud too!) But agree with some of the previous comments that in the end I think its easier to just write for the pleasure of it and hope that others will enjoy. As I have enjoyed reading your posts - thank you!

Bashir_E-BookReader said...

I read all your posts but rarely leave a comment unless to say thank when you published my work.
Yes may be it's laziness,you just read and click to something . Or it means how fast life is to switch from one thing to another in seconds, being the internet,TV, mobile phone etc.......Thanks