A blog about vintage fashion, vintage jewels and art.....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Tuesday Giveaway

I'm trying to discipline myself to post every day... or every other day....on average. Today I decided that I would launch Fairy Filigree's very first giveaway, freebie, complimentary present, call it what you will.

And since Tuesday is a day which is neither here nor there, it's not mid-week and it's not anywhere near a weekend, I thought I'd cheer you up on Tuesdays and will present a giveaway on whichever Tuesday in the month I find something to excite your fancy.

This little vintage hanky has a lovely green/white print design with tiny polka dots and a pretty pronounced border. I'm sure you'll find good use for it - sorry I can't send the yellow rose along with it too. That comes off my favourite rose bush and it's the last of the season as I pruned the bush back last Sunday ahead of the season. I love yellow roses.....

All you have to do is write in and tell me what you do in your life on Tuesdays, what Tuesdays mean to you.... Remember to send me the name and URL of your blog if you have one too. Will make my pick out of the bag on Monday, so by next Tuesday you'll all know who won.... Have a lovely Tuesday.


Jenna said...

Oh this is so pretty! On Tuesdays I take my 4 year old to preschool and then spend some extra time with my 1 year old :)



Amy said...

Today has been an extra special Tuesday. In the morning I will be having a c-section and giving birth to my first child, a little boy :D Well actually a BIG boy thats why he is coming c-section. What a blessed day to reflect on my life so far and how wonderful and different every other Tuesday will be :D



Cindy said...

Tuesdays I teach a class on HIPAA and it's application to groups. On Tuesday nights I spend 2 hours with my church's youth group.

Naturally Jenny said...
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Naturally Jenny said...
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Courtney said...

Tuesday's are my creative nights. While my job is creative I try to do other creative endeavors on Tuesday nights. It's not the weekend so it just feels right <3

courtney_bruesch (at) yahoo

Vittoria said...

tuesday's are my cooking and baking days. i make something super fancy for dinner and then a yummy dessert. today was tuscan white bean soup and oatmeal cookies!


juliecache said...

tuesday is the day when my younger two kids have p.e. at the public school. we home school. the hanky is superb and right up my alley. What is maltese filigree? I'll have to look that up now.

Anonymous said...

Call this a drive by squeeling. Stopped by looking for images of damaged cloth and found a fun blog! :D Tuesdays for me are a bit doom shaped lately, since I've got so many classes I don't even get to see the sun. But! There's nothing like a day full of curation, paleobotany, and historic archaeology for a happy little geek girl.

Deb said...

On Tuesdays I go to work at an office all day long--then it's home to straighten up, cook dinner for the family, do a load of laundry and then fall into bed (well, that pretty much sums up everyday for me)

deborah150 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm a homemaker and I keep a pretty regular schedule to help me keep my sanity. o_~

Tuesdays are a great day for me to get some cooking in. My DH is at work longer on Tuesdays, so I tend to do any of my advance cooking (freezer foods, doughs, breads,etc). It's a nice me day. I love cooking and spending time in the kitchen. :)

Anonymous said...

On Tuesdays I do volunteer work at the animal shelter, then I have night classes at my community college. It's a busy day but fulfilling and (mostly) fun!
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

cc1181 said...

Tuesdays.... hmmmmmmmmmmm work, being glad it's not monday... watch biggest loser!

Sidewalk Chic said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
On Tuesdays, I spend time with my husband and friends at trivia -- we've been doing this for five years now. Sometimes we win, but hanging out is more important. :)

- JoAnn, Sidewalk Chalk

Kathleen said...

What a pretty hanky! (And my favorite color, too.)
On Tuesdays I do Girl Scout paperwork, and take my daughter to roller skating lessons.

Heidi said...

Being a newspaper reporter for a weekly publication, Tuesdays are my deadline day. When I think of Tuesdays, I think of headaches and late nights in the office... but then I think of Tuesday nights, which are by far the most glorious of all nights because finally everything is done!

writeme at heidimail dot com

Megan: said...

Tuesdays are my writing days, so I get up early get my Starbucks and type away on the laptop.

theoneredhead said...

Tuesdays I have two classes - human rights and the philosophy of language - before I go take care of the kids! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Tuesday was my birthday. So have to say that is special ;)

CinnamonAndSass said...

What a lovely blog (and hanky). Tuesdays = work for me (yuck) but I like them because they are not Mondays!

katiecitrowske at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

tuesdays are the days that my family eats in the "picnic room" aka the tv room and watch the biggest loser the most inspiring show ever. so basically tuesdays means family time


Anonymous said...

Tuesdays I try to go to the gym...mostly because I'm never in the mood to go to the gym on Mondays!

Ann On and On... said...

Tuesdays, I am teaching English as a second language from 9-3. It is an egg company. It's really cool and the people are fantastic. (I have a US address if I win :D, but I am in Quebec City right now.)
Beautiful giveaway!

The Lingo Family said...

So cute! Tuesdays at my house means Mexican food for dinner. We call it Taco Tuesday BUT it doesn't necessarily mean we eat tacos, sometimes we have enchiladas, of burritos. YUM YUM!


Unknown said...

Tuesdays = lots of work! I also sometimes try to catch a Zumba class in the evenings
