I figured out that had I been born in the early 19th Century I would probably have been spending this blustery November morning at home, wearing something like this. Before blogging became all the rage, before even print magazines started being circulated as freely and widely as they are today, there was Ackermann's Repository. This was an illustrated British periodical which Rudolph Ackermann published in the period between 1809 and 1829.
During these 20 years, the Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce,
During these 20 years, the Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce,
Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics, as it's full name ran, served to inform and influence the elite English public. Ackermann's dictated that the clothes shown in this historic image were suitable for staying indoors during the morning and early afternoon, during which time of day, ladies would receive female callers, attend to light household tasks, or to lounge around.
My light duties of the morning today included choosing the lucky winner of FairyFiligree's latest giveaway. Baroness Von Vintage is the winner of the fantastic handmade Sterling Silver Maltese filigree pendant. Baroness Von Vintage, would you kindly contact me with your address, so I can mail this little gift away to you pronto?
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