A blog about vintage fashion, vintage jewels and art.....

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Some pictures I like

As you know, whenever I come across an artist whose works entice me, I like to feature here on this blog.
Meet the art of Shell Sherree whose shop on Etsy is so very delightful.
This Australian artist creates some especially whimsical and delicate artistic renderings of what inspires her about special locations.

More often than not you will find soft coloured flowers, animals and peculiarities that create that certain characteristic air about the place she has been visiting. whether it's a street in a foreign city (Paris is a strong favourite!) or a comfortable living room she'd like to spend more time in.

(Images have been used with permission)

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Hi my dear-great illustrations, the artist is very talented indeed! My photo is very blurry, I will get a better one soon of the bracelet, lol!!