A blog about vintage fashion, vintage jewels and art.....

Friday, April 15, 2011

Embroidered Heirlooms

Those who follow this blog regularly might have realised that I do love embroidery. Handmade embroidery is especially exciting to me - the idea that somebody painstakingly and patiently worked their way through the cloth with thread and needle, bringing out colour and design.
I don't know why this fascination really, but some fine embroidery is really worth keeping and enjoying as often as possible. I don't snob machine embroidery when it's well done however, but obviously, handmade is always much finer.

Take this dress which you can see better here.....

I think it is particularly suggestive of the era it was made in. It combines two of my favourite characteristics when I'm out hunting for special vintage finds - it belongs to the 1950s, and it's including embroidered floral designs. This would have been the kind of dress that required you to wear a slip underneath just not to have anything seen through, or a frothy underskirt that would have also plumped out that skirt exquisitely. I still remember I used to play-act with one such skirt when I was a small kid - it was pink nylon, tiered with lace and some soft netting.

I thought this delicately made billfold is especially cute. Check it out here. From this listing I found out that this type of embroidery is called hardanger embroidery but also whitework embroidery since it is done with thread of the same identical colour to match the pale fabric.

 Something contemporary like this sweet blossom bag which you can view here
is hand felted and adorned with ribbon embroidery and brass flowers. I think it is adorable and quite unique. Felting is a very particular technique which I've been seeing used quite frequently lately.

I must say that I once owned a blouse somewhat similar to this one, though not so colourful. Unfortunately I must have given it away many summers ago. This unique vintage item comes from the early part of the last century (1930s) and apart from embroidery includes other special hand-made techniques such as smocking. You can see it better here

These slippers I had included in a Treasury some time back when I was still bemoaning the arrival of winter and tried to create a cheerful Treasury with alternative ideas to drab winter wear and most of the items actually sold, so I assume visitors to that Treasury really liked what they saw.
I find these slippers particularly pretty with their sequined leafwork. Check them out here

And then there is this awesome dress....

you can see more of it here
Very bohemian, it also includes, apart from the embroidered floral designs, also
crotchet trimming and satin ribbons... Isn't it simply fantastic? I love it. Isn't it fun?
Thanks to the Etsy sellers who allowed me to use images of their wares, namely

Stellahsgroove, Jeanjeanvintage, StarBags, Gemma2010, Naranja37 and Vdingy.


Gemma said...

You have a beautiful blog! Lots of lovely things and I am very glad to be part of it! Thanks ! And you have a wonderful eye, thanks for sharing your appreciation for handwork and beatutiful designs with all of us!

Sharon said...

Hi there-wow, stunning pieces indeed, my favourites are the first and last dresses-really gorgeous!! xx


Ah yes! That is one beautiful dress in the final pic...I'd love to call it mine!

PS: I think you might be interested in a sweet jewelry giveaway I'm currently running. If you have a moment, stop by and check out:

Witchcrafted Life said...

Good morning dear,

As a fellow admirer of embroidery, I am equally smitten with all of the beautiful pieces that you've highlighted here (especially the 50s floral embroidered dress!).

Thank you very much for your recent comments over at Chronically Vintage. Regarding your question about posting in the face of a lack of comments, the honest truth is I've never let the number of comments I receive influence whether I blog or not - or my attitude towards blogging - one bit.

Of course it can feel very positive and rewarding to receive feedback on a post (and naturally I do love hearing from my readers) - especially if you've worked on it for ages (and/or it's a particularly special one), but since day online I've viewed CV as an online spot in which to corral and share those events, items and people who continually provide me with vintage inspiration.

It's my hope that these things are able to do the same for my lovely readers. Whether they (readers) comment or not is inconsequential; I just love knowing that I get to share my passion for the past with fellow vintage fans.

What I'm trying to say is, you need to blog for yourself first and foremost. There's a wonderful feeling of satisfaction (I find) that comes from blogging about something near and dear to my heart and/or which inspires me. When I write about these sorts of subjects, it doesn't feel like I'm working, but rather that I'm having fun.

When blogging seems fun (as it always should - if it feels like drudgery, perhaps it's time to rethink why you're blogging in the first place), just getting your posts out for the world to enjoy along with you is a massive reward in and of itself. Any comments received for a given post then become like a cherry on top :)

Oodles of thanks & blissful Tuesday wishes,